Why trumpet?
- Ease of follow-ups
- Looking super professional with the sales process
- Buyer activity and engagement insights on sales materials
Who is using trumpet?
- SDR/BDR for prospecting
- Account Executives for post-demo follow-up
- Onboarding for handover from AEs to CSM
‍Since using trumpet, Lunio has:
- Moved the needle with their prospecting and follow-up process
- Been able to better qualify new prospects by using Pod insights
- Found a more efficient way to multithread through email-gated Pods
- Send more targeted follow-ups by using buyer Signals
Favourite Widgets & Integrations?
- Loom
- Salesforce
- Youtube
- Salesloft
- Mutual Action Plans
Everything you need, in one place
When sales resources, links, attachments and beyond are scattered across email trails rather than integrated in one centralised sales hub, it slows down the entire sales process… enter trumpet.
We sat down with Lunio’s Account Executive Sophie Ellis to discuss how trumpet’s digital sales rooms have changed the way she works together with buyers to get deals done.
Who are Lunio? They make the internet a safer and more reliable place for everyone trying to grow their business by automatically getting rid of fake clicks, traffic, and leads on all ad platforms.
Working within the frontline sales team, Sophie understands the significance of providing a personalised selling experience. Previously, before adopting trumpet, their team would create a post-demo follow-up in PowerPoint. This presentation would then be attached to the email, along with links to product pages and additional PDFs.
This made it difficult to understand exactly how their sales assets were being consumed. "We had no control over who was seeing it, when they were looking at it and who they were sharing it with," says Sophie. "This resulted in a bit of a messy follow-up process.”
"Trumpet has honestly changed the way I prospect and follow-up during my outbound to close process”
Since implementing trumpet, she has seen incredible results. She says, "trumpet has honestly changed the way I prospect and follow up during my outbound to close process. It makes me feel confident in my follow-up and enhances my presenting skills as I use Pods during demos and in follow-ups to present relevant data and next steps.”
When you give your team the tools they need to auto-personalise content and share it in one easy-to-reach spot, the possibilities for your sales growth are endless.
Drive momentum with Mutual Action Plans

Mutual action plans are essential for keeping both buyers and sellers on the same page. With trumpet Mutual Action Plans, sales teams can assign tasks to buyers, set due dates, and establish tactical next steps.
Sophie explains, "We always have a mutual action plan page within each Pod. This allows us to assign buyers to their next steps and identify what needs to be done."
“During every call, I always share the mutual action plan by saying, "I've created this. Does it look reasonable for the time that we're working towards? Is there anything else we need to add?" This way, we can collaborate on defining clear next steps.”
“Internally it's amazing because we present it directly to the seller. We get loads of stakeholders logging in to view the mutual action plan.”
Multithreading made easy

"Trumpet has really helped me with multithreading," explains Sophie. Sellers can choose how they share their Pod, including requiring an email entry. This provides the sales team with a comprehensive overview of when their Pod is being viewed and by whom, as well as buyer signals from that new viewer within the Pod.
Lunio has experienced firsthand the magic of multithreading by sharing trumpet Pods "I had an initial call with a big retail brand. After sharing the Pod with my prospect, they proceeded to internally share it with five or six other people. This gave me a good group of individuals to reach out to, as they had shared their email to access the Pod.”
This put Lunio on the radar additional key contacts in the company who had interacted with her pitch. Sophie mentioned, "I now had the contact information of the e-commerce manager, digital marketing manager, and another marketing manager from a different department.”
"The sharing of emails is like gold! We can determine when people are interested and if they're sharing it with their team.”
Leveraging buyer signals for better follow-ups

Before using trumpet, Lunio used to send regular follow-ups to check if the prospect had reviewed the sales assets, links, and documentation after the initial post-demo follow-up.
Today, Lunio uses trumpet’s sales intelligence and buyer signals to gather insights on Pod views, length of time spent viewing content, and link clicks, among other metrics. This allows them to remove lower value emails from their sales cadence and enables the Lunio team to be more direct in their communication.
Sophie shares, "Recently, I sent pricing information to an existing customer who is upgrading with us, and I noticed that their team has logged in to view the Pod twice over the past few days."
These insights into the customer's behaviour and interactions with her content allowed her to send a more targeted follow-up, and move the conversation along quicker. She continues, "I emailed them and said, 'I noticed that you logged in on Friday. I saw that you were looking at this Widget. Do you need any clarification? Is it worth us jumping on a call?'”
Using trumpet for lead qualification
With access to trumpet’s buyer insights SDRs and AEs can skip the guessing games and identify which buyers have high or low intent. They can gain a clear understanding of where they stand with any opportunity.
Sophie has found that these insights have really helped with qualifying out. "Before, I used to think a call went really well and that the prospect was going to sign.”
“But now, using trumpet, if they're not engaging with the Pod, that's a big red flag for me. It tells me that they're not as engaged in the deal as I had assumed based on our initial conversation.”
“I'm qualifying better because I can now see how engaged prospects really are!”
"It has also helped uncover those prospects who I initially didn't think were interested on a call, but then turned out to be really active and sharing the Pod internally.”
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