
Cracking the code: Top 6 sales closing strategies for success

Reaching new heights with our expert guide to cracking the code of sales success.

Rory Sadler
March 15, 2023
March 21, 2025
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The sales process is a game of numbers.

The more clients you talk to, the better your chances are of making a sale. However, for most sellers, it is an overwhelming task. You've got a great product or service to offer, although when it comes to closing the sale, things aren't clicking.

You might be doing everything right - the customer seems interested. However, then they start asking for discounts or going back and forth about pricing. It's almost like they're playing a game with you!

But here's a catch!

There are strategies to help you turn those situations around and get your customers focused on buying instead of playing games. Today, this article will take you through the top six most effective sales techniques. They have helped thousands of sellers increase their sales numbers and close more deals than ever.

But First, What Are Sales Closing Strategies?

A closing strategy is a technique applied by sales professionals to persuade a prospect to make a purchase or sign a contract. It involves the use of psychology to give the final push needed to make the sale.

Closing is an art, part of science. It takes training and sales skills to become experienced at closing deals. This is important, especially when selling complex products or services that require a lot of thought and consideration by prospective buyers. Therefore, consider the following;

Strategy #1: Assumptive Close

This is one of the most powerful sales closing techniques, as it puts your prospect in a position where they will have to agree with what you say. It works when you assume the prospect has already made the decision to buy. Thus, moving the conversation towards the next steps.

This technique is mostly applied when there are strong buying signals from the prospect. For instance, when you realise positive body language or enthusiastic responses.

By assuming the sale is already made, the salesperson can then ask questions like "Would you like delivery or pickup?" or "What payment method would you prefer?" Rather than asking, "Would you like to buy this product?" This can lead to uncertainty and hesitation.

The assumptive close should be used with caution to avoid being too pushy or aggressive.

Here's an example:

You: Mr Prospect, I know that we're not going to be able to work out this deal today. However, I'd like to leave you with some information about our service, so you can think about it over the weekend. Is that okay?

Prospect: Sure! That would be great! What do I need to do?

You: Great! All you need to do is sign here and write down your email address. Then I'll send over our product literature, including a copy of our contract, which will outline the terms of service for your review. In case of anything you don't understand or need further clarification on, please let me know when you get back in touch with me next week.

Strategy #2: Scarcity Close

The scarcity close is another effective sales closing strategy for setting a deadline and getting prospects to buy now. It works because it taps into our innate fear of missing out on something good. In addition, it creates urgency, which helps turn your prospects into buyers.

When using this sales technique, you simply explain that whatever you're selling is in short supply or a limited-time offer. You can add more emphasis by saying that others are already taking advantage of this offer or only a few items are left. As a result, it will make your prospect feel like they have to act quickly or risk missing out on the opportunity altogether.

For instance, suppose a customer is considering a purchase; the salesperson might say something like, "This offer is only available for the next 24 hours."

Or, in case you're selling a service and there are only two openings left for an appointment time this week. Let them know that if they don't book now, they'll have to wait until next week to get in touch with you.

Strategy #3: Puppy Dog Close

The "puppy dog close" is a sales technique that allows prospects to test a product or service prior to agreeing to close a deal. 🐶 This strategy is based on how pet stores sell puppies.

Potential buyers are allowed to take the puppy home and experience it before making a purchase. This technique relieves pressure and builds a trusting rapport with customers.

The puppy dog close is more useful when selling complex products and services, for instance, software and consulting services. It allows prospects to see how the product or service can solve their problem. This gives them the confidence to make a purchase.

Strategy #4: The Alternative Close

This type of close is useful when a prospect is hesitant about buying from you. It may be because they believe the product or service isn't within their budget range. Therefore, the alternative close involves asking for a concession from the prospect. For instance, something like agreeing to pay for shipping or some other minor cost prior to offering a discount on the total price tag.

For instance, if your prospect says, "I don't think we need to invest in this product. I think we should wait until next year when our budget allows for it."

You could respond by saying, "That's a great idea! I actually have another solution that will work better for you in the short term while you wait for the long-term benefits. I can send over some information on that now in case you want to review it.

Strategy #5: Question Close

Use the question close to guide your prospect down a path you've created. It is a powerful tool that allows you to ask questions to help you uncover needs, concerns, and objections. The best part is that this technique doesn't require additional information from the buyer. The more questions that you ask, the more likely you are to gain valuable insights into what your clients want.

Let's consider this scenario:

Your prospect has been telling you about a problem they're having with their current provider, and nothing seems to be working. You can use this opportunity to ask them why they haven't switched yet. Or why he hasn't tried another solution yet.

This gives him an opportunity to talk about his problems and concerns without feeling like he's being pressured by you into making a decision right now.

Strategy #6: Summary Close

The summary close is a great way to wrap up your sales presentation. It's also a great way to ensure that you're on track with your prospect's needs and wants.

A well-crafted summary close can be used at any point during your sales presentation. However, it's most effective at the end of the meeting.

When using this closing strategy, ensure the prospect understands how their problem relates to your product or service.

For example, suppose you're selling a software solution for managing employee benefits; Tell your prospects about all the features and benefits of the software. However, in the end, say something like: "So what I'm saying is that this software will give you total control over your employees' health care spending. Thus, you will know where every dollar is going." Then pause for a moment and wait for their response.

In case they say yes or seem interested, ask them if they think they'd like to try it out or sign up today. However, if they seem uninterested, ask them what they're looking for in an employee benefits management solution. Continue talking until they are ready to buy!

Sales need time, money, and high convincing power to do their business above the curve. The closing sales process is not only about negotiation and getting the deal done. But it also needs to often touch with your clients via pitch. This creates a solid business base for future winning champions. But how do you go about it?

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