Customer Success

Credentially case study | trumpet

We're catching up with Zeke Iddon, Global Marketing Manager at Credentially on how their team has experienced a huge leap forward in how they stay in step with buyers, maintain consistency across their brand assets and documentation inside trumpet Pods.

September 17, 2024
October 3, 2024
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We're catching up with Zeke Iddon, Global Marketing Manager at Credentially on how their team has experienced a huge leap forward in how they stay in step with buyers, maintain consistency across their brand assets and documentation inside trumpet Pods.

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Why trumpet?

  • Streamline sales proposal process
  • Ensure consistency across brand assets and documentation
  • Improve sales performance and close rates
  • Reduce time spent on creating custom materials and PDFs
  • Provide better tracking and insights into buyer behaviour

Who is using trumpet

  • Sales team: For creating and sending digital sales proposals
  • Marketing team: For managing brand assets and creating consistent materials
  • Customer Success team: For remarketing, showcasing new products/features, and providing quarterly updates
  • All customer-facing departments

Since using trumpet Credentially has:

  • Transformed prospect nurturing with impressive digital sales rooms (Pods)
  • Gained valuable insights into buyer engagement and behaviour
  • Improved attribution tracking for marketing efforts
  • Identified new multithreading and upsell opportunities
  • Enhanced the handover process from sales to customer success

‍Credentially is a B2B SaaS platform streamlining healthcare onboarding and compliance for recruitment agencies and healthcare organisations. 

We had the pleasure of catching up with Zeke Iddon, Global Marketing Manager over at Credentially on how their team has experienced a huge leap forward in how they stay in step with buyers, maintain consistency across their brand assets and documentation inside trumpet Pods.

From PDF decks to digital sales rooms

The Credentially team was struggling with a major headache: managing sales proposals. It was eating up their time and energy, "The biggest pain point for me in marketing was around the sales proposals element," recalls Zeke.

The sales team was regularly requesting custom materials for their proposals, which kept the marketing team super busy.

It was like a never-ending cycle of tweaking PDFs, with multiple people getting pulled into each request."Honestly, the amount of time I spent with my graphic designer... generating endless PDFs and so many variations of them as well!," he explains.

The lack of consistency between proposals was not just a marketing issue but also impacted sales performance.

"From the sales side, that lack of consistency naturally affected their close rates and the performance of their proposals,". Even simple changes, like adjusting a pricing table, became time-consuming tasks: "It sounds simple. It's not, it's half an hour's work involving two people to agree on what needs to happen." This inefficiency was a "two-pronged approach from both marketing and sales" that Credentailly desperately needed to solve.

Enter trumpet's digital sales room, which promised to streamline their processes, ensure consistency – and ultimately boost their sales performance.

Elevating the proposal process

Credentailly's journey with trumpet's digital sales rooms began with a focused goal: to improve their proposal process. "When we came into it, we saw it as a solution for just the proposal element of the sales funnel,".

But as they started using it, they quickly realised trumpet could do so much more, "Having now implemented it, the amount of use cases we're discovering for trumpet is just insane!".

The impact of trumpet extended far beyond their initial expectations, smoothing out operations across multiple departments. "We're using it across like all three customer-facing departments," Zeke notes.

For sales, it transformed prospect nurturing: "If we need to nurture a prospect... we’re not sending them a scrappy PDF. We’re sending them a Pod. And that blows their mind."

Surfacing buyer insights = better attribution and upsell opportunities

This approach not only impressed potential buyers but also provided valuable insights. "I'm able to track their engagement [in Pods]. I'm seeing ‘who’ they're sharing with. I can then contact their colleagues who we may have more luck with," he explains, surfacing new multithreading opportunities with a warmer approach.

The trumpet’s analytics capabilities offer valuable insights: "We can see exactly who is looking at which page in the Pod to see which features they may be interested in so our sales team can identify upsell opportunities quickly.”

This has been high impact for tracking customer behaviour and figuring out what's actually driving sales. Compared to previous processes it's like night and day. "Before, when using email, it's not even just a case of we didn't have any behaviour tracking. We were completely unable to pinpoint attribution," he explained.

This lack of visibility created significant challenges in understanding the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. "If someone did adopt a paid upsell feature later on, was that a result of marketing? Was it because we sent them a PDF? Was it because someone picked up the phone to them? No idea,".

Trumpet has transformed this aspect of their operations. "With Trumpet, we know with pretty decent certainty what they looked at, what triggered those actions,". This level of insight allows for a much more nuanced understanding of customer behaviour and the effectiveness of different touchpoints in the sales process.

Connecting trumpet to their CRM took things to a whole new level, "With the Salesforce integration, it pipes all that data through as well. So we can report on it properly, which is a key consideration for any marketer trying to dissect campaigns.” This seamless data flow enables more comprehensive and accurate reporting, giving them a much clearer picture of their marketing and sales performance.

Streamlining Customer Success comms

After adding trumpet's to their tech stack the customer success team at Credentailly has also found innovative ways to use the platform. "Customer success use it as well for remarketing,".

This includes showcasing new products, features, and providing quarterly updates. "Whereas before I would go into MailChimp and spend the best part of an afternoon crafting an  email for them to send out, now we just go into Trumpet and it’s done in minutes"

This change has made their workflows much smoother and keeps everyone on the same page. "We've got a template for quarterly updates and we can get it out consistently every single month with all the latest features," he adds.

Using digital sales rooms ‘post-sale’

Trumpet's Digital Sales Room has helped their team unveil the journey step-by-step; "We've got a hidden Tab in every single sales proposal, which has got all the info ready to go," Zeke explains.

This feature ensures a smooth handover from sales to customer success, eliminating the information gap that previously existed. "So when it goes over to customer success they are ready for the onboarding and then they've got their own template that they can work with using that prior customer to data capture," he adds.

One feature that has particularly impressed the team is the File Upload Widget. "I love the File Upload Widget, that's brilliant so that the customer can send their own brand guidelines, logos that kind of thing." This tool has significantly reduced their back-and-forth communication which often slows down the onboarding process.

Delivering hyper-personalised buyer journeys

The team has been blown away by trumpet's personalisation feature, "The control over branding, there's no similar products to trumpet. It's in a league of its own."

One feature that the team is loving are custom fonts. "Custom fonts, it's such a simple little thing, but there's so many content creation tools that don't allow for custom fonts," he explains.

This attention to detail in allowing brand consistency down to the typography level means Pods can be created to directly reflect a customer's own branding and website.

Credentailly’s favourite features in trumpet?

"The latest updates that you guys have rolled out are awesome; the content library revamp is wonderful. Especially working interdepartmentally and across teams and just making sure everyone's got the collateral they need to do their own thing,".

"I think there's no one particular widget that I love more than any other. The whole collection is super intuitive."


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