Buyer Enablement

I've seen the future of B2B Sales, and it's hyper-personalised

Find out why data is becoming the backbone of tailored B2B experiences, and key tools that can help you hyper-personalise your sales process.

Rory Sadler
September 5, 2024
October 3, 2024
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Find out why data is becoming the backbone of tailored B2B experiences, and key tools that can help you hyper-personalise your sales process.

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Have you ever wondered what the near future of B2B sales might look like?

One trend thats been on the rise over the past few years is 'personalisation'.

It's not just a buzzword; it's a powerful approach that's reshaping how we connect with customers and close deals.

In this article, we'll explore how data is becoming the backbone of tailored B2B experiences, and I'll introduce you to some key tools that can help you hyper-personalise your sales process.

Let's go 👇

Leaning on data for tailored B2B experiences

Today, data is the cornerstone of success.

I've seen firsthand how leveraging the right information can transform our sales approach.

It's not just about having data; it's about using it smartly to create experiences that resonate with our buyers.

Let's talk numbers for a moment.

Companies that use data-driven B2B sales strategies are seeing a 15% increase in EBITDA growth above market.

That's huge!

It shows that when we lean on data, we're not just guessing – we're making informed decisions that drive real results.

So, what kind of data are we looking at?

Well, it's a mix of three key categories:

  1. Company data: This is the foundation, giving us insights into firmographics like location, revenue, and industry.
  2. Dynamic online data: This tells us what content companies are sharing and what technologies they're using.
  3. Timing insights: This crucial information alerts us to when companies are in the market for our solutions.

By combining these data types, we're able to focus on companies that are most likely to buy, with the shortest sales cycle.

But here's the thing – data isn't just about boosting sales. It's about understanding our customers on a deeper level.

It helps us map more efficient customer journeys and spot market trends before they become obvious.

This understanding is crucial because B2B buyers are under immense pressure. They're responsible for spending their company's money wisely and choosing products that will increase efficiency and revenue .

Key tools to hyper-personalise your sales process

In today's B2B sales landscape, hyper-personalisation is crucial.

Let's explore some powerful tools that can help you tailor your approach and connect with buyers on a deeper level.

Tailor buyer journeys in digital sales rooms

Digital Sales Rooms (DSRs) are making waves for their ability to personalise every aspect of the buying experience.

These interactive microsites (also known as deal rooms) serve as hubs for all deal-related information, making it easy for buyers to access demos, pricing data, and other crucial content.

With DSRs, you can create unique, branded experiences that address specific buyer needs and track engagement to refine your strategy.

Send relevant messages with social listening tools

Social listening tools are your eyes and ears online.

They monitor digital conversations about your brand, industry, and competitors.

By leaning on these insights, you can tailor your messaging to address current trends and pain points.

For example, Folk let's you track your leads social media activities (new post, new job title, new company) to follow-up timely and with context.

Use conversation intelligence software to dial into intent

Conversation intelligence software uses AI to analyse sales interactions, providing valuable insights into customer sentiment and buying signals.

These tools can help you identify successful methods and areas for improvement, ultimately leading to faster deal closures.

For instance, some platforms can calculate the talk-listen ratio, helping you improve active listening and engagement.

They can also identify the buyers key pain points, and provide summaries of the conversation. Helping you craft more personalised and relevant follow ups that relate directly back to what your buyer has discussed.

Make it easier for buyers to learn your product with interactive demos

Interactive demos are powerful tools for showcasing complex B2B products.

They allow potential buyers to explore features at their own pace, addressing specific pain points for various stakeholders.

These demos can simulate real-life situations, demonstrating how your product solves actual business challenges .

By tailoring the demo to each persona's interests, you can accelerate decision-making and highlight the most relevant features.

For example using a tool like Navattic, you can create longer form interactive demos for team training, and short, snappy demos for c-level execs.

Film personalised intros and send voice notes

Voice notes and personalised video intros can add a human touch to your outreach.

They're still a novelty in B2B sales, making them an effective way to stand out.

Hearing your tone and inflection can convey warmth and enthusiasm that text alone can't express.

Tools like trumpet allow you to easily record quick introductions or follow-ups, adding a personal spin to your communication.

Create personalised mutual action plans

Mutual Action Plans (MAPs) are collaborative roadmaps that outline each step towards deal closure.

They help align both parties and ensure accountability throughout the sales process.

By basing your MAP on events critical to your buyer, you can keep the focus on their desired outcomes and demonstrate your commitment to their success.

Remember, a good MAP starts with the buyer's goals and potential ROI, proving the value of your solution from the outset.

By leveraging these tools, you can create a hyper-personalised sales process that resonates with your buyers, addresses their specific needs, and ultimately drives more successful outcomes.

Final thoughts

By leveraging data-driven insights and cutting-edge tools, companies are creating tailored experiences that resonate with buyers on a deeper level.

This approach has an impact on every aspect of the sales process, from initial outreach to deal closure, enabling more efficient and effective interactions.

As we look to the future, it's clear that personalisation will continue to be a driving force in B2B sales.

The tools and strategies I've explored in this article should hopefully provide a solid foundation for you to build upon, to adapt and thrive in this ever-changing marketplace.

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